Citrus Value Chain

Citrus Farm
Citrus fruits include oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruits, in addition to tangerines and pomelos. They are produce all over the world basically for fresh fruits (fresh consumption and processed fruits (juice). Citrus are the highest value fruit crop in terms of international trade, and Nigeria is among the top 10 major producers with Benue, Nasarawa, Kogi, Ogun, Oyo, Osun, Ebonyi, Abia, Taraba, Ekiti, Imo, Kwara, Edo, Kaduna and Delta as the major producing states.
Citrus fruits especially orange are of high demand both in local and international markets due to its refreshing and nutritive values. Returns on investment along the value chain (Nursery/seedling production and management, Production, Marketing and Processing) are quite substantial.

The FMARD is promoting the following improved varieties: Ibadan Sweet, Valencia late, Washington Naval, Tangelo and Tangerine. 
These can be source from National Horticultural Research Institute, (NIHORT), Ibadan, Oyo State; Akparen Orshi College of Agriculture, Yandev, Gboko, Benue State; and some private Nursery farms.
Orange Fruits

Production: This involves different activities starting from site selection, propagation, orchard development/management, irrigation facilities, etc. When producing for fresh consumption, there is need to produce according to standard such as GlobalGAP Codes and Protocols as to attract premium price.

Marketing: It is of two aspects - for fresh consumption and Processing into juice/concentrate. Marketing for fresh consumption entails using marketing infrastructure such as cold transport and storage facilities, etc.

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